Director at
a²metro - AGP Rangel Projetos, Inovação & Tecnologia Ltda.
Vila Velha, Espírito Santo, 29101-435
Experienced professional in the academy-industry relationship | Innovation management & mentoring | Consulting & Technology Expert | Metrology and Quality of Measurement Management
Experienced faculty with teaching and administrative skills, solid leadership, organization and critical thinking. Extensive practice in the industry-university relations. Over 30 years of teaching and advising undergrad & grad students in Mechanical & Production Engng and in Dental Materials. Skillful in research projects using computer methods applied to mechanical behavior of solids.
Areas of interest: Solid Mechanics, Computational & Structural Mechanics, Metrology, Quality of Measurement, Quality Management Systems, Innovation, Learning strategies, use of technological tools in apprenticeship environments, Digital transformation in Education.
. Director of Metrology and Quality of Measurement at CDMEC Sep 2020;
. Professor at Centro Universitário Vale do Cricaré (S.Mateus, ES) Fev 2020;
. Consulting Mar 2019;
. Evaluation and assessment of products, equipments, machinery, industrial facilities, systems and processes towards optimization, improvement and appraisal;
Head of ITUFES (the Institute of Technology at the Univ. Fed. Esp. Santo)
Worked for 16 years (Sep 2002-Feb 2019) as the Head of the Institute, where I developed the following projects:
. Qualifying laboratories and their personnel towards an accreditation process;
. Director of Lab. for the Analyses of Beverage at UFES accredited by CGCRE/Inmetro in 2016;
. Coordinator of several technological research projects which deal with the interaction of academy and industry at Itufes;
. Responsible for financial & technical results in academic as well as industry related projects at Itufes;
. Raised R$ 5 million in programs and projects carried out at the University.
Professor at UFES:
. Faculty in the Master´s Degree Program in Mechanical Engineering (PPGEM) Mar 2006-Dec 2014;
. Faculty at Dental Clinic Master´s Degree Program (PPGCO) and head of Dental Materials Mar 2010-Dec 2017;
. Advisor to undergraduate and graduate students in research projects dealing with Computational and Structural Mechanics at PPGEM;
Member of the ABCM (Associação Brasileira de Ciências Mecânicas) since 1978;
Founding member of the Rede Capixaba de Metrologia, 2002;
Interested in:
Implementation of metrological quality systems in laboratories towards accreditation;
Innovation processes;
Energy efficient systems and climate change analysis;
Digital transformation.
Skillful in:
. Communication;
. Teamwork;
. Leadership;
. Interpersonal communication;
. Organization;
. Active listening;
. Lifelong learner;
. Implementation of ISO Standard 17025
. Solution of engineering related problems.
English | Portuguese
Early professional experience (1977 t0 1988)) was acquired working at Embraer S.A. and at the Centro Tecnológio Aeroespacial (CTA), in São José dos Campos, SP/Brazil.
At Embraer, I have developed several components for the aircrafts using advanced numerical techniques which were fundamental do the next job at CTA where I have worked in structural components for airspace vehicles designed for the Brazilian Aerospace Program.
In 1989 I joined the academy at the Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo where I taught to undergraduate and graduate students in the Mechanical Engineering and the Mechanical Technology Departments. Disciplines included Solid Mechanics, Numerical Methods, Dynamic and Structural Stability, Calculus, Strength of Materials.
From 2002 to 2019 I was assigned by the University to the position of General Director of the Instituto de Tecnologia da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Itufes) where I was responsible for the technological support for the University and for several industries and enterprises, as well as for state and federal governmental agencies.
a²metro - AGP Rangel Projetos, Inovação & Tecnologia Ltda. is a personal enterprise which was created by me in 2022 in order to perform appraisals, assessments and metrology projects for industrial and laboratory enterprises since its foundation. Activities are mainly directed towards the appraisal of mechanical equipment for the mechanical and the petroleum industries, consulting in metrology and the assessment of calibration and essay laboratories to prepare them for the necessary competence towards their accreditation (ISO/IEC 17075 standard).
Doutor em Ciências (DSc) - Engenharia Metalúrgica de de Materiais - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte (MG), Brazil - 2002;
Mestre em Estruturas Aeronáuticas (MEAer) - Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA) - São José dos Campos (SP), Brasil - 1998;
Bacharel em Engenharia Mecânica - Escola de Engenharia do Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil - 1974.